Thursday, 13 August 2009


Well if it doesn't rain it pours!! My house feels like a veterinary surgery at the moment :-o
I treated the dogs with their regular flea treatment but decided to use a different one than I usually use. Now I have Max that has had a reaction to it. Shadow with his dust allergy and now Max with a scabby neck!!

This is a blog to warn people, if you use anything topical like spot on flea treatments, keep an eye out for contraindications!! If they occur, wash the area straight away to minimise the affects.
Every morning afternoon and evening it's cleaning down wounds and rashes!! Sorry no pics I will try and get it sorted soon :-(

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Dust Allergy

It has transpired that shadow has a dust allergy!! After several visits to the vets, several doses of steroids and antibiotics, anti-histamines, numerous topical ointments and shampoos his condition has slowly got worse. I am including this in my blog because I have actually discovered something wonderful..... Aloe Vera!! These pictures show his condition before the aloe vera. It is all self mutilation caused by the constant scratching and biting. I started by using the topical creams which helped relieve some of the itching but I now also give him the aloe vera gel drink! Yes you can drink it too!! His hair has actually started growing back and his skin doesn't look half as raw. When I can get him to sit still enough to have photos done (he doesn't now have to stop and have a scratch! :-)) I will post how he is getting along. He has only been taking the drink for a couple of weeks and have noticed signs of improvements already! I hope it keeps up.